Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I Will End You

There are things that are unforgiveable.  Their are sins beyond the point of remorse.  When such things happen, there is nothing but the cold emptiness of vengeance inside.  There have only been a few times that I become so enraged that I tremble with the need to strike out at the sinner.  I have made my own mistakes; there are things I wish I could take back.  But when you purposely lie, deceive, and seek to do harm, you deserve every punishment coming for you.  When you hurt those I call family, I will end you.  And I will do it with a smile on my face as I feel your blood spilling from between my teeth and warm my face as it splashes to the ground.  When I leave you a rotting husk on the ground for the ravens to pluck your eyes out and devour your entrails, maybe then your sins will be absolved.  Even if not, I will feel so much better thinking of you rotting alone and forgotten in the mud where you belong.  Because when the birds are done with you and you work through their system and they leave you back on the ground, you will see what you really are - nothing but a piece of....

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