Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Wolf as Woman

this is the other side of being a wolf.  being in touch with the wild woman inside is a freeing thing.  the artist of this picture called it "wild muse" and it's very fitting.  i have hidden from who and what i am my entire existence.  we all try to make ourselves fit into society because it's what is expected.  i can play along now, pretend i'm normal, go to my job every day.  but even men twice my size have told those who don't know that i'm not a person to be messed with.  these are regular customers at my job telling some of their smart alek compatriots not to give me crap.  "but she's just a short little girl," the smart aleks say.  and without having seen me in a fight my regulars say "she'll take you down easy.  my money's on her." all because of what they sense in me.  i'm at peace with my beast, my wildness, though sometimes, yes, i struggle to keep it in check.  we all have that part of us we have to keep leashed.  humans are animals, afterall, our evolution doesn't change our base instincts.  it's natural for us to hunt, to breed, to seek what is pleasing.  but we hide behind religion and societal rules.  no need to hide or fully conform.  we beasts know what is right and wrong in us.  and when you make peace with the wild inside, you feel a peace in every part of your life.  i am Wolf, i am Woman, i am myself.  who are you?

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